Book an appointment
Use the form below to book an appointment
Book an appointment
Please complete the form and you will receive confirmation within 24 hours either by email or telephone.
Anything to prepare?
It may be helpful, but not essential to have a copy of any existing Will available.
If you know that a Will is high on your agenda then a list of names and addresses of your Beneficiaries, your chosen Executors and any Guardians for children under the age of 18 will be helpful but again not essential.
Remember, you’re under no obligation, we act at your instruction.
Change of date or time?
If you have to change an appointment please call 01829 309103 at the earliest convenience.
If you prefer to call
If you would prefer to call us to book an appointment, please dial 01829 309103 or if using a smartphone, simply tap on the number.
Tailored to you
We are experts in tailoring our service to meet each client’s unique needs. We use the most suitable products, legislation and allowances.