Your Will Made Easy
We all know we should make a will, but it’s one of those things that many of us never seem to get around to. In fact, it’s estimated that one in three people die without having made one. But not making a will can mean chaos and financial worry for your family or dependants after you’ve gone.
Who Needs a Will and Why?
Without a valid Last Will and Testament, your assets will be distributed according to the rules of Intestacy. The rules of Intestacy lay down a rigid method of estate distribution and take no account for your wishes, regardless of what your family say.
Married Couples
Without a Will a surviving wife may not receive all her husband’s estate and vice versa. With a Will in place, it is then clear who looks after your estate and, crucially, where any significant assets go rather than leaving it to the Government to decide who will inherit.Unmarried Couples
Remember, if you are not married or in a civil partnership, your partner has no rights of inheritance without a Will in place. This applies even if you have lived together for a long time or even have children together.Parents of Young Children
Ensure your young children are cared for by the people you love and trust rather than leaving it to the Courts to decide who will look after them. Your Will can include tailored provisions for children and dependants who may not be able to manage money for themselves.Divorced or Separated
Make it clear whether you do or don’t want your ‘ex-spouse’ to benefit from your estate. If you are separated but not divorced, then your spouse is legally your next of kin. The act of separation does not alter intestacy rules and you remain married in the eyes of the law.What if I already have a Will?
It's sensible to “review your will every few years” and consider amending it or even writing a new one if there is a change in your circumstances, such as getting married, having children or getting divorced. Without updating any changes that occur, it can lead to complications and upset for your family. For example, your will may refer to a house you no longer own, or mention older grandchildren but not younger ones.

Protect Your Nest Egg
Each year up to 70,000 homes have to be sold to pay for Long-Term Care; many families are disinherited. A correctly written Will can safeguard their share in the property.